Saturday, July 29, 2006

One Month

So to begin, and as promised, here is a photo of the stacks of baby clothes Sophia received at the Vancouver shower. Surprisingly, some of them actually fit at this point. Sophie is still quite small, and much of the stuff out there that is advertised for "0-3 months" would fit a ten-pound baby quite nicely, and Sophia was only 6 pounds 14 ounces when she was born.

Speaking of birth weight, As of this morning Sophia weighs a stunning 9 pounds 4 ounces. This stuns me for a couple reasons. First, because she has now gained around 4 pounds (considering that she lost weight for a while right after she was born), and second, that all of this weight gain has come directly from Tricia. In fact, considering the substances that Sophia is producing on a daily basis, Tricia has probably supplied twice that weight to Sophia by now. It's really amazing to watch Sophia grow. She isn't much taller yet - she's 21-and-a-half inches now, and wasn't much less than that when she was born, but she is growing - filling out well in the cheeks and looking much more substantial.

While we were in Vancouver, Sophia managed a monumental achievement. She pulled my glasses off my face for the first time! We're still pretty sure that most of her movements are basically experimental, what with the total lack of coordination and her main congratulatory achievement a big burp, but we know that she will be pulling glasses off of faces many times before she walks, so as a first this is kind of cool. Also, she managed to transfer the glasses from her left hand to her right hand before she dropped them on the floor. Again, probably random, but it provides more evidence of the fact that our baby is the smartest baby who ever lived.

Today is the 29th of July, and Sophia was born on the 29th of June, so this could be considered her 1-month-old day. I guess this is the point at which we stop counting in weeks (she is 4-and-a half weeks old today) and start counting in months. At what point do we move from months to years, though? Some parents are still counting in months when the baby is two-and-a-half years old: "Oh, little Frankie is 29 months old tomorrow!" "I know little Jasmine seems young for a driver's license, but she'll be 192 months old in a week!"

Counting Sophia's age is a bit funny, in a way. Some days it feels like it's a milestone each day she is alive, as if each day is an event of note that should be celebrated. Which of course it is. But other days it feels like we've been doing this for ever: change, feed, burp, sleep, lather, rinse, repeat.

And it's only been a month!

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