Tuesday, July 04, 2006


We had our first "city" day today. Six souls in the car (including the dog) and a relatively uneventful trip in. Dog off to the groomer, then David off to work and errands through the day. First big day with "on-the-go" Sophie (with kung-fu grip), complete with the Starbucks washroom change, the Chapters reading-chair feeding, the back-seat-of-the-car change, the back-seat-of-the-car feeding, the open air change, the open-air feeding, the bottle-feeding of expressed milk, the navigation of the stroller through the shopping mall, and the fine art of balancing the car seat on the grocery cart. We also signed all the papers at the lawyers today, AND took out our new wills, AND Tricia's parents are having more car troubles. Wouldn't like life to be complicated or anything.

So we are all tired, which isn't much different for little Sophie as it turns out. She does complain a bit when hungry, and we've got the pattern down: change-feed-burp-wrap-repeat. Each of these things is a potential cause of an upset Sophia, and it's just a matter of figuring out where in the cycle we left off last. Usually starting at the beginning works well, and the time between cycles varies between a couple hours (3 or 4 during the night if we're lucky) and fifteen minutes (which is tricky when the cycle takes 25).

And yes, the title of this blog is a double meaning.

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