Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Vancouver Shower

One of the reasons for the airplane adventure was so that Sophie might participate in a shower held in the honour of her birth. Now, as a three week old, I am not sure that she fully appreciated all the work that went into the shower, but I know that she enjoyed being passed from arm to arm. The only time she squwaked, er as David would say "blinked", when she wanted to be fed.

Anyway, the shower was fabulous. Sophia was able to meet so many people who are important in my life and in David's life. There was a great mix of family and friends who came to be oogling our little girl. We gathered at about 2:00 pm for gifties and goodies. Jen Eastwood and Tanya Virani helped with the decorations and preparing some of the food. Mom helped with hosting at the house and making some fabulous foods as well. Kudos need to go out to Jacquie Moon who originally was the coordinator of the shower. She organized the invitations, decorations, and goodie boxes. Now, Jacquie wasn't able to be with us, as she was touring Lima, Peru and the Galapogus Islands. She was missed and I thank her for her work.

So, the shower.... there was a huge pile of gifts just waiting to be opened. So many neat and wonderful things to look at. Again, I think that Sophia got the easy job --just lie there in the arms of someone or on a nice fluffy blanket on the ground. The presents were amazing and we got a lot of what we needed. Lots of books, blankets, toys and such things. And CLOTHES... oh the clothes. David will post some pictures of all the gifts and the piles of clothes. Sophia is going to be a fashionable and well dressed little girl for a while. I have to admit that it's a good thing that Sophia looks good in pink, as she has a LOT of it now. The main perpetrator in the clothing department was my Auntie Pat, who had made the trek from Washington state to be at the shower. As her gift, she hand painted a beautiful little trunk, just perfect for storing toys. Now, that would have been gift enough but when I opened the trunk up, I discovered an almost never ending supply of clothes. Auntie Pat had gone crazy, in a good way. The only way to discribe it is that the trunk was much like Mary Poppin's carpet bag... with out the lamp.

After the gifts were opened and the food was eaten, people started making their way home. It was much too hot to have that many people hang around (it was over 30 outside, which means it was some insane temperature in the living room with over 20 people crammed into it!). A couple of folks did stay for cold turkey on buns and some more visiting.

I had a great time, and thank all those who came to meet Sophia. Vancouver was a great time, and we loved seeing everyone!

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