Tuesday, June 20, 2006

9 Days to EDD (Tricia)

Well, we are really hitting the end of the road with this pregnancy. I can't tell which emotions I am feeling more: scared, anxious, excited, overwhelmed... the list goes on. Anyway, I had my weekly visit with Dr. Cordoso. We didn't have to wait an hour this time, but that's okay. He's a pretty busy doctor. I was really hoping that he would have some good news for me... like something about dilation. However, I was to be disappointed. After checking my blood pressure, measuring the fundus, and listening to the heartbeat, Dr. Cordoso checked my status for Strep B and then probed a bit to find that I am closed up tight. Sigh. So, no dilation.

I know that that status could change at any moment, but I have to say that I am a little disappointed. I am eager to meet this little one, especially seeing that it is running out of room. Now we get to wait another week until we see the Doctor again. Let's hope something happens in the next week.

As for life, it goes on. So far I am enjoying my time off. I will enjoy it even more when I actually have a day when I don't have anything to do but rest. Mom and Dad arrive next Monday, and I looking forward to having them here. We have lots of things to do, and having two more sets of hands is great. Diane and Arthur will arrive closer to the baby's birth...when ever that happens!

For now, keep us in your thoughts and maybe send some good labour vibes my way!

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