Sunday, February 24, 2008

Gotta Keep Your Head Warm

Sophia LOVES hats...they are one thing that she can easily manipulate and successfully get on each and every time. This last time it was my toque that caught her attention. BTW, she can actually say "toque" fairly well...very important given the subarctic climate we have chosen to live in. Anyway, she paraded around with much pride the other day wearing this toque.

posing for the camera...

still content with the hat.

Less than happy with the fact that Mom tried to take the hat away. Silly, silly Mom thinking that she had some control over when a toddler gives things up. Silly mom now knows better...

See, she won.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are using Eggo Plus...good for fibre...good for a toddler ;)