Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sophia Growth Stats -Month 7

Today we trekked over to the University to have Sophia's seventh month check-up with her new doctor. Dr. Parwez is a very energetic doctor and seemed thrilled to meet Sophia. Unfortunately the Dr's energy scared Sophie to tears, a couple of times. It's the first time that she really has played shy with a stranger. She recovered fine, but it was a little touch and go for a while.

Everything looks good for Sophie. All her organs are doing organy things, and her joints are all moving just fine. Here's the measurement list:

Weight: 18.5 lbs -the 75th percentile
Height:29 inches -the 98th percentile
Head Circumference:16.5 inches
Chest Circumference:17.5 inches

On the whole she is doing very well.

Sophie has in the last couple of days expanded her consonant repertoire...waaa, and baaa, have been joined by maa, daa, and gaa, plus various screeching and screaming sounds. It certainly isn't a quiet house any more.

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