Wednesday, February 28, 2007

further tooth proof

There has been some circumstantial evidence of upper teeth coming in, in the form of slight discoloration and roughness, not to mention the getting up in the middle of the night, but now we have documentation: the top tooth has sprouted. (two, actually, although squirming prevents us from actually seeing both at any one time). They seem to be the second incisor or the cuspid (vampire fang canine) but I can't quite tell. Apparently, I was also freakish in this way, in not having the middle teeth come in first on the top.

Regardless, here is the photo evidence. Please forgive the snotty nose - I tried to photoshop it out but it just looked weird.

The requisite zoom-in:

And finally, proof that the bottom two are coming in nicely:

and are capable of doing damage:

1 comment:

Riries said...

hi there,
I found you blog when I click the next blog button. It was such a nice blog and also to see your daughter grow.

Anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is Riries, i am a mother of 6 months old baby boy. I lived far away from your residence, am here in Jakarta Indonesia.

Well, i am interested in your little one's jolly jumper. it's quiet fun to see her up and down with joys .. may I ask the brand of the jolly jumper and how much does it cost? i cant find it in if you have any information if i can buy it online, it would be nice.

Hope we can be friend, and i can ask plenty of information regarding how to rise the baby in western way.

here is my blog:
but forgive me, it's in my language. but as the people said: picture can say thousand of words. I hope you can enjoy our pict,as well as we enjoyed reading your blog.

Many thanks,
*forgive my bad english*