Monday, October 23, 2006

Oral Fixation

Sophia is definately conquering the "yikes, these hand things are attached to me" phase of life. She is reaching and grabbing quite well, and this extends to other things than toys, such as clothing, glasses, hair (her own and mine) etc. It's been interesting to watch as she discovers that her hands are also good for exploring her environment. When I lay her down on a couch or bed, I will often find her stroking the fabric --okay, it's more like moving her hands back and forth haphazardly, but stroking nonetheless. From what I can figure out, she is feeling the texture of the material of said furniture item. I think, also, that she likes the noise it makes as her nails graze the fabric. It brings a smile to my face to watch our little girl try to figure out this crazy world we're in.

We had a surprise guest yesterday. My friend and colleague, David Cathcart, stopped by and crashed in our guest room in anticipation of a 6:00 am flight this morning. Sophia was quite taken with him, and even went as far as trying to fall asleep as she sat on his knee. I wish I had a picture. It was priceless. Then she got bored, and started crying. This was compounded by the fact that I was on the phone, which usually brings on fussing in the child. It's strange how that happens. I never truly believed my mother until I had my own baby.

Sophia and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Grandma Gerhard. She arrives tomorrow and will stay until Sunday, when Sophia gets baptized. It's truly wonderful to have someone around while David is away. Diane and Arthur, and Adam and Kristine, haven't seen Sophie since August. So much growing has happened since then. I am sure they are in for a surprise. Mom and my friend, Jacquie, are also coming out for the baptism. It is taking place on Sunday morning at St. James UC in Wolseley. It is also my very last Sunday with the congregation as minister. So it is a bittersweet day. It's crazy to know how much time has passed since Sophia made her grand entrance into the world. Sigh.

Anyway, I have more pictures for you to enjoy....

This picture is a coule of weeks old. Sophie is in her Snugli carrier.

"I have it! I have it!" Evidence of the grasp and drool on it reflex.

Sophia's Halloween costume... isn't she a cute ladybug!?

She won't be going out this year (although Mom and Dad could use the candy!) but she will greet other
kids at the door!

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