Thursday, October 19, 2006

ooooo, hands.

We've returned from our West Coast Trip. We're happy to be home again, although we did enjoy our time away. I think Sophia had a fabulous time being cuddled and loved by her grandparents and her uncle. Once again, Sophia performed like a trooper on the flight. She behaved like an angel which is more than I can say for some fairly obnoxious men on the plane. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were slightly inebreiated before getting on the plane. Oh what fun. Anyway, we got home very late on Sunday night and have been on the go since.

As I said in an earlier blog, Sophia has discovered her hands. It's been quite an interesting thing to watch. Every so often she holds her hands out in front of her and just watches them. She's still trying to figure out how these strange things are susposed to work. Eventually, after some good staring, they end up in her mouth, but she has had some really good time playing with several of her toys. She's even figured out how to pull on a ring to turn on the music and lights on her swing. Now, call it mother's pride, but I keep thinking she's doing it intentionally, but the reality is that most of the time it is a fluke, merely a coincindence brought about by her pulling. Anyway, in my world, she's doing it herself.

I think that Sophia is still holding her fall over my head. Seems to be that the last couple of nights she has decided to regress a bit and is waking in the middle of the night for a fed. I am NOT happy about this. But what can I do. I drag my sorry, tired butt out of bed and feed my little girl, praying all the time that she will go right back to bed. A consequence of this is, I think, that I am getting sick. Sigh. Oh well, what can a mommy do?

Here are two more pictures from our trip.

Just a dopey Sophie, after some serious outlet shopping in the States

New super graspy hands have tired little Super Sophie out, right in the middle of a good chew on the toy! :)

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