Monday, November 14, 2011

Off to school X 3

Well, I am going to have to go back to school at some point so that I can fit in with my family. David, SOphia and Jacob all started school at the end of August/beginning of September, leaving me to be the one to get new bags, pack snacks and keep track of schedules. Actually, it's not that bad. But it is hard to believe that I am now the mother of school aged children --two of them.

Sophia started kindergarten at the end of August. Yup, the school year here starts before the labour day long weekend! Although, I think that is about to change. Anyway, she was super excited about starting, with a little bit of apprehension about knowing people, but mostly excited. She is in the afternoon French immersion program at Ecole W.S. Hawrylak. That offered us two new more afternoon naps and classtime with a lot more French in it.
I think the no afternoon nap has been more of a challenge than the French aspect. She seems to be a star at picking up the language, and is even beginning to recognize and read French words. Which is great because she started kindergarten reading at about a grade one level, so I am super glad that she is starting to get it. So is her teacher. One of the main goals of french kindergarten is to have 90% of the students recognizing the alphabet, numbers and sounds in French, so any reading ability is a bonus.

Walking to school on the first rained. Somehow that is fitting.

dans la salle maternelle. C'est la salle 101. Travail al la cloche.

everyone ready for school!!

So, needless to say, Sophia is settling in quite well. I believe that she is learning lots, although if you ask her what she has done that day her stock answer is "I don't know". I am always looking for new ways to ask the question! She is making friends and having fun. Ask her what the best part of the day was and she will answer: "Everything school!"

Jacob also started school this year. He is attending the same preschool Sophia went to last year. This is a total blessing as the teachers there are amazing and very supportive of Jacob. He loves it too! He's going two days a week, but probably would go everyday if he could! The teachers really encouraged me to put him in after a conversation I had with them where I voiced my apprehension about his language and size. Well, they were all for having him and it was a good choice. His language is getting better (the speech language pathologist we have seen told us he is only three months behind where he should be --so no worries) and he gets the chance to socialize with kids his own age. Only once did one other student voice a concern about "the baby" being in the class. Now they see him as part of the group and in fact, some of the bigger girls fight over who is going to help him out each day. It's really, really cute. And a relief to me.

a Jacob sized backpack. It can't hold a library book but he sure is proud if it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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