Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Snow play

So, we've had quite a lot of snow fall out here on the prairies. Almost record breaking amounts but not yet. Just wait though, it's only February.

On a relatively warm day (read: -10 and above), David and the kids went out for some play. I joined them for a change, and we had lots of fun. One of Sophia's goals was to build a snowman. Unfortunately, the snow here is not wet enough to compact in to snowman shaped balls. So we had to make do...

It has the requisite parts, just not the proper shape. She was happy enough.

There is enough snow in the playhouse that the kids could climb out the side window without climbing. Actually, they channeled their inner otter and slid out the window. Yup, the snow actually comes up to Sophia's head ---mind you some of that came from shoveling the deck.

It's that deep!!!

The snow is so deep at Jake can't really walk in it, so he spends a lot of time lying down. Why it has to be face first, I really don't know.

Really very happy about being a human depth measure. Can you see the joy???

My snow angels. Jacob was NOT impressed with sitting still. (these pictures, btw, we taken pre-cast. He can't go play in the snow now.)

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