Well, we celebrated Jacob's birthday a couple of days early so that both sets of grandparents could be here to help us party. We had Jacob's godparents and another couple with their kidlets. All in all, we had a great time with gifts, dinner, cake and playing! We extend a great big thank you to all the great people who celebrated this important day with us.
For the most part, Jacob was pretty happy. He was a little lost on the whole cake issue, seeing that he really doesn't do the chunky solid food thing.
Here are some photos documenting the event!
Opening birthday gifts takes on a whole new aspect when you combine a not so interested in the the thing baby and a more than eager to help bunch of preschoolers. Oy. Jacob eyed the outfit and returned to happily chomping and tearing the wrapping paper.
Showing admiration for the beautiful wall hanging made by Nana. There is a growing train theme in J's room.
The baby friendly tool bag from Uncle Todd and Auntie Dea. Maybe there is a sparkie in the making. Jacob does have an unhealthy fascination with wall plugs.
The birthday cake --a tiger for my little wild one. It is a classic butter vanilla cake with buttercream icing. Turned out pretty good.
The hat, by the way, is a shaped chocolate chip cookie iced with buttercream icing. It was a sugar high just waiting to happen. The preschoolers were forbidden from even considering it.
Oh, fire. Jacob did reach for the flame. We stopped him in time. There was no blowing out of the candle though.
YOu want me to do what with this cake now?
Oh it squishes. What about this stuff on my fingers?
Seriously? In my mouth? Well, okay....
ohhhhh, that's good. Really good.
I like it! Happy Birthday to me!
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