Wednesday, September 26, 2007

In the Last Month...

The month of September (and the very end of August) brought a visit from Grandma Gladys, variable weather (6 to 30 in a matter of days! Oy!), the start of programs, and lots and lots of growing.

She's getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger. One day she'll stop, right? Is that when she'll start sleeping through the night???

We had a wonderful visit with Graham, who was making his way to London, Ontario, for his internship. Sophie was a little standoffish but...
She eventually warmed up to him!

We also had a visit from Godmom Melisa, along with Taylor and Ayden!

If I stretch reallllll tall, I can get that strange yellow thing.

Sophia is beginning to show an interest in helping clean. Here she's exploring what it means to Swiffer the carpet. I think she found out that it looks more fun than it actually is.

Practice continues for the Strongman competition.

A budding interest in human anatomy or a morbid fascination with empty tell me.

David spent a weekend doing manly building things. At the end of the weekend, we had a swing! Sophia loves it. She pokes at the kitchen window as a hint to go outside.

She finally figured out what to do with the stacking rings. Doesn't she look pleased?

Proper hotdog eating etiquette is being worked on. This is the first step, taken at the annual Science department dinner and hangout at the Science Center.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WAHOO! - Yay for visits with friends! :) it was lovely!