Wednesday, July 25, 2007

She keeps going, and going and going...

And going...

Two weeks ago, Sophia discovered freedom. She learned that she could walk, and that this new mode of transportation could get her more places and into more things than before. She has progressed from the tentative first independent steps with arms straight up in the air for balance, to the almost running arms much lower down of her current state. It's been fun to watch, it really has. There are still days that I wish she were still crawling. But she was too fast when she crawled. Now I have a chance to close doors and move things when she's aiming towards them. We also have significantly more bruises on the head than before. Balance is a tricky thing. These past few hot days have offered me a little stress, because this kid doesn't know when to sit down and chill. She just walks and walks and walks around the kitchen and living room. Honestly, it was exhausting --for me!

Even though this new freedom is a little frustrating for me, there is a reward. There is nothing, NOTHING better in this world, than to have a beaming, child walking to you with her eyes full of love and pride, looking for a hug and a snuggle. Cuz really, in the end, even the most independent soul needs a good cuddle from her mama.

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