Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Birthday Party Part 2: The Cake!

The cake is, of course, always the highlight of the party. Tricia made a cupcake-cake, making portioning much easier. It is becoming very popular at weddings, I hear. So anyway, this photo-montage begins with the undisturbed cake, in the shape of a number 1, with beautiful, neon-coloured, stain-everything-in-sight polkadots.

the cake, pre-mess

Tricia gave one of the cupcakes, slathered in icing, to Sophia. Sophia was not entirely sure what to do with it. Here is the result

Umm... for me? I do what now?

Here. Mommy will help you. You eat it. See? Mmmm... tasty!

Well, I can mash it up with my hands but I'm still not quite sure.

In my eyes? probably not, but it's fun

Oh MAN that was good. You were right.

I can't believe I ate the whole thing

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