Wednesday, May 31, 2006

atchoo, really? (Tricia)

Okay, so David has had his fun reflecting on this pregnancy thing... But being the one that is actually pregnant, I figured it was time to take my opportunity to "weigh" in on the subject. So, the past nine months have been quite a learning experience for both of us. Who knew that the body could do such an amazing thing! Currently, I am learning that sneezing with a full bladder is definitely not a good thing for a pregnant woman to do. Sigh, you really do have to give up a little dignity in order to fully enjoy the gifts of pregnancy.

So, while David is doped up on cold medicine and allergy stuff, I am snuffling through my days drinking orange juice and sleeping at night with the amazing "Breath Right Strips". Actually, this isn't the worst cold I could have had. I just like to complain.

As the waiting whittles down, my excitement and apprehension grows. I can't wait to see what the littlest Gerhard looks like and to watch this little person develop. Will it look like me and act like David? Or act like me and look like David? Now that I think about it, I am not sure which is better/worse for that poor child. It will be nice to have a small bundle to hold, to find out what those elbows and knees are able to do beyond poking me in the side. And it will be nice to know that we will finally have some one to use all the things we have (well, the necessities we have) in preparation. All in all, I am excited to be becoming a mommie.... although the birth process still scares me just a little. I will let you know how it goes when it happens!

Anyway, those are my first thoughts for this blog page (actually this is my first time 'blogging' ever, so be patient!). We appreciate all the support and love offered to us through our families and friends.... it makes the time much easier! Keep us in your hearts and minds.

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