Monday, May 29, 2006

T-31 days

I've always been a bit hesitant to join the blogosphere, not believing that I would have much to say that isn't already out there. I read my brother's blog ( and once in a while I will scan some others that a digg or slashdot article take me to, but in general I am a little disconnected from the whole thing. When I was a teenager I wrote a journal every night, but I can't imagine anyone actually reading that - mostly because it was dull as tacks.

Things have changed, in that my wife and I are due to have our first child in a little over a month. This, I feel, is an event worthy of blogging, and something that people might actually be interested in. I know, I know, there are a multitude of pregnancy blogs and podcasts there, some of which are a little frightening, and I don't expect that this one will become world-famous. The intent, rather, is to have a place to put photos and happenings around our little one so that our many friends and relatives who live far away can keep up to date.

This blog will not be updated daily. I don't know if it will even be updated weekly. Once the baby actually comes, we may be so busy and tired that it won't get updated till s/he's fifteen and learning to drive. Regardless, this will be an attempt to document and reflect on the growing child that has been with us since October, yet who we haven't quite met yet.

A few photos here to start us off: Tricia's belly from a couple of months ago, and the nursery in Wolseley (that's our dog, Haley, keeping an ever-vigilant watch over the crib)


Anonymous said...

W2G! This is soooo fun! The 2 of you will be terrific parents! Such a blessed little one! With love and prayers for a safe and healthy delivery for all three of you! Sue

Liam said...

Salut mes ami! Comment ça va? Wish I could come visit you folks... but in lieu I wish you guys the best. Bon chance et bon journée... hope to see you soon.