Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Quinzee completion, and two random pics

It was warmer today ("only" -17) so Sophia and Daddy went outside to play in the snow and complete the excavation of the quinzee. We also performed some face-plants, drew santas and did swimming. In the snow. Don't ask.

interior, showing the great room, as seen from the south entrance. The north entrance and the west landing are clearly visible.

View from the entrance to the east annex

Exterior. Annex is on the right of the image, and the south entrance is seen to the left.

And a couple more random images. Here is Jacob attempting to master the osborne finger suck, which his sister picked up so rapidly.

And here is Sophia in her brand-new two-piece bathing suit. Swimming lessons (level "sea turtles") start up again tomorrow (hence the snow swimming mentioned above) and when we bought the new swimsuit a few days ago and she tried it on at home, she insisted that she wear it all day. With socks.

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