Friday, January 23, 2009

brief language update

Sophia's getting to the point with her language that she is starting to generalize rules from what she has heard. As is common, she tends to overgeneralize, building unique constructions for new situations out of phrases she knows, and not quite remembering some phrase structure in other circumstances. It's really interesting to see what she comes up with and when. For example:

"I not can do it" = I'm having trouble, please help me do this

"I Doed it!" (sounds like I dood it) = Look at me! I did it!

"I flush it away" = I wiped/am wiping/will wipe it away (eg on a whiteboard or magnadoodle) or even when sweeping the floor.

"all up" = to completion. for example "I watch it all up" (a movie or show. either a request, as in "can I watch the whole thing" or a statement of fact.) or "I do it all up" when she finished a puzzle.

Since we regularly alternate between "Sophie" and "Sophia", she has generalized this, and has taken to extending "mommy" to "mommia" and "daddy" has become "daddia." just today, she was pretending to talk to "poppia" (poppa) on the phone. her pretend phone in this case was a vegetable brush...

Also, I was drawing triangles today and she said "You dood it! you do sandwiches cheese grilled!" I had to figure out what cheese-grilled meant, since it sounded very strange. Eventually I got that she had transposed "grilled-cheese sandwich. I wonder how one would cheese-grill a sandwich? It might be very tasty!

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