Monday, April 21, 2008

Musical Tastes

True to form, Sophia seems to enjoy a wide variety to of musical styles and genre. We have the kindermusik discs that offer everything from The Wheels on the Bus to American folk to Classical. Sophia will actually demand to have "Rappi" played when we are at home (she's still working on those "f"s). In the car, she happily sings along to Raffi. Her singing along right now means at least getting the last word in every sentence of the verses and the chorus. It gives me the giggles every time....I love it when she does this in the car...makes the drive much more enjoyable. And it doesn't matter if it is in English or French....she's mastered the Jacques in Frere Jacques. Too cute.

However, things changed a bit today. Sophia loves strong choral music...she still dances like crazy at the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing an African Christmas Anthem called Bethlehemu (think lots of voices and lots of drums). Well, David has been practicing for a mass choral production of Carmina Burana (I don't have an audio link, but you would know it to hear it....look it up.) So that means he's been singing it, and there are discs in the cars with it. So, I popped it in for a change. Well, she started bopping along to it, and in one track even picked up a word to sing! I made the mistake of trying to put Raffi back on (for my sanity not hers). She got mad ..."no, no, no. long, long, long, more." (, no, no. Song, song, song more. OR Where's that bloody other music gone? I don't want that kiddie music! God, mom!)

Yup, move over happy, easy listening Raffi. Dark, German Carmina Burana is here to stay (for now....)

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