The first thing that caught Sophia's attention was the brand new baby doll and stroller that grandma had purchased for her enjoyment (and ours too). Along with the stroller came a lovely Easter Bunny purse, which had a scarf in it just for Sophia. So every time she wanted to push the buggy around, Sophia went through the ritual of putting on the scarf and putting on the purse, and then making sure baby was in the right place. Once all was good, strolling could happen. It was funny to watch. Unfortunately, all of the proof of this is on video, but I do have picture of Sophia with the scarf at her other favorite toy...the "mano" (Aka the piano)
Ah the piano...Sophia spent a lot of time composing the next great symphony on that stand up piano. Actually, her favorite thing to do was to hit the keys while "singing" Hallelujah! She learned that song in church and is one of her favorite things to say!
One of the new adventures was heading to the Assiniboine Zoo (we did the aquarium in Vancouver!). It's a huge place, which in the winter, closes at 4:00 pm. This isn't normally a problem, but when you arrive at 3:00 pm is certainly limits the amount you can see. Seeing that it wasn't too expensive to get in, we girls did it twice. That way we saw more! I think Sophia had a great time. After the first time, she was constantly saying: zoo zoo monkey monkey. Yup, a good time was had.
Another special outing happened for Sophia, she got to check out the Manitoba Children's Museum. This time Uncle Adam was able to join the girls. There were LOTS of children at the museum....LOTS. That's what we get for going on a Saturday with out a dozen birthday parties going on and a mini-concert. Yikes. But did explore the whole place, and even hung out for some of the music!
I think she enjoyed her time with the Gerhards....
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