Thursday, June 07, 2007

Vancouver highlights

David had to go to Dauphin, Manitoba, this last weekend to offer music leadership at the annual UC Conference meeting with Adam, his brother, and Alison, a good friend of both. This left me with the opportunity to head off to Vancouver for a visit. It was a lovely week full of sunshine, heat, family and friends. We even had a surprise visit from Angela who lives all the way up in Kamloops! A good time was had by all!

We timed our trip well enough that we got the chance to help Auntie Ciara celebrate her birthday! Ciara had planned a nice quiet lunch date with a couple of colleagues and Angela, which would have been a good enough celebration we suppose. But Tanya and I decided to crash the party lunch and bring our squirmy children with us. We met Ciara at the entrance of the restuarant with party hats and balloons. She turned bright red and the rest of us enjoyed calling attention to her. Sophia was a good sport and wore the party hat without complaining and then later on tried to eat it...sigh.

Sophia and fellow squirmy party crasher, Sheliza!

There is always time for a Grandpa cuddle.

The following would fall under the category of "things Uncle Todd taught me or lets me get away with..."

Uncle Todd lets me get away with playing on his computer. Mommy doesn't let me do that. She's no fun. (Look at that typing posture!)

Uncle Todd taught me how to high five, and now EVERYBODY gets me to do it!

Grandma and Grandpa kept alot of the toys Todd and I played with when we were younger. They are great. This toy is particularly fun. Sophia sits on it and waits patiently until someone pushes her along. She can't quite get herself going on it, yet. But as you can see in the pictures, she loves it!

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