Friday, March 09, 2007

A Month in the Life of Sophie

So much happens in life that I get so caught up in it I forget to update the blog. In the last month we've been to Toronto, got blizzard stayed with the Gerhard Grandparents and had Grandma Gladys come for a visit. So you see, that leaves very little time to actually do much more than get the laundry done and the bare basics of life covered. That's my excuse, what's yours?

Sophia turned eight months at the beginning of March. We are in a bit of denial that in four short months she will reach the milestone of one year of life. It is incredible how very quickly a year can pass when you are watching a baby explore and grow. It kind of makes you appreciate all that you have.

Being eight months has brought some new skills into Sophia's life. Every day she grows more and more independent. Every day she smiles as she discovers something new. Here are new things:

Some of you will remember the long haul it has been trying to get Sophie to enjoy the world of solid food. I have to say that the advice of following your child's lead is something I should have listened to sooner. Although she has been trying out solids since December, Sophia really hasn't truly enjoyed them until recently. Actually, I think she likes some of the things we are offering. Insert parents' sigh of relief here. I thought I would be breastfeeding her until she was 18. Yikes.

We have tried many things with our dear little one. As it stands right now, she likes rice cereal, mixed cereal with fruit flavorings, avocado (cut into little pieces), carrots (strained), squash (strained), cheddar cheese, plain yogurt, watermelon, fresh banana and the occasional taste of vanilla ice cream. We have one of those self feeder bags that allows Sophia to mash away at fresh fruit and veggies without getting big hunks that could potentially choke her. And she loves to feed her self!

these pictures were taken during a nice family dinner at the Gerhard house in Winnipeg. In a bit of frustration I decided to plop parts of Sophia's dinner on her table tray and let her feed herself. She loved every minute of it. Actually, she was quite lively at that dinner as you can tell from the pictures. Sleep that night was near impossible. Anyway, she ate quite a bit and made a fantastic mess in the process!

Boys, boys, boys
It seems that Sophia has a habit of befriending boys...What this means for her daddy later on in life is still a mystery. At play group it is Carter, at swim class it is Owen, Jayden and William. It's quite funny to watch, and of course, it is only her parents that are putting any meaning on it!

Berkeley and Sophia
Carter and Sophia

Well, I finally bit the bullet and chopped off Sophia's rat tail. That long bit of hair hanging down her neck was driving me a little crazy --way, way too eighties for me. Anyone ever try to get an active baby to sit still so that you can cut her hair without it looking terrible? That was a feat unto itself. But it is done and the "curl" has been put in the "Baby's first curl" box to be kept forever and ever. Or at least until I give it to her when she moves out or gets married or something.


All By Myself!
Our little girl is growing up. From sitting on her own to standing on her own while holding on to things. Although she has been known to stand without support but only when she is distracted by something. This new found freedom is very intoxicating but is hampered by the fact that she can not get herself into said standing position without some help from others. In that little baby brain of hers she is devising a plan to get around that. This includes spending long bits of time seated by the living room table, watching and grabbing. She has successfully pulled herself on to her knees, but her legs continue to foil her plans by not cooperating.

She is SO happy!

trying out the over the shoulder pose!

Trying so hard to get up. The only problem is that the ottomans are tippy, so Daddy has to lend a hand!

Sleeping beauty
Sigh, sleep. I remember when I used to get eight hours all in a row. Not any more. Sophia continues to wake at least once, if not twice a night, just to keep things interesting.

When she was born, the nurses all made sure that I put Sophia on her back to sleep, so that I would continue to reduce the chance of SIDS. As she grew older her preferred sleeping position was on her side. Since the advent of rolling, her stomach is the sleep position of choice. Often she will wake up with little finger imprints on her forehead... it's so gosh darn cute. This is also the way she practices her crawling moves. No actual movement has happened yet, just a lot of rocking. It's just that she has this annoying habit of trying out this transportation option when she should be sleeping. Oy.

The Winnipeg Trip
David and I opted to fly into Winnipeg at the end of our Toronto trip. This way, Grandpa Arthur could have a visit and we would all drive to Regina together. Well, the weather had other plans for us, and with the prediction of blizzards and dangerous driving conditions it was decided that we would fly home. David went home first, what with that pesky job that he has, and I stayed on for several more days. We had a great time! I share with you pictures of our adventure...

Grandma Diane pulled out some of David and Adam's old toys. Sophie seems to really enjoy those retro Fisher Price toys. They certainly got a good once over!

One last new skill: Sophia has learned to clap her hands. It is still pretty uncoordinated, not hitting a beat too often, but she does love it!

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