Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ah Spring

Spring in the prairies is lovely... it sneaks up on you, warms the air tempting you to spend time outside, encouraging you to unpack your summer wardrobe and melts the snow so that you can once again see that there is indeed grass under all that white stuff. Then, in a flash, it's snowing! Well, at least it didn't stay. Last week we had beautiful sunny days with temperatures reaching 20 above. Above! We took advantage of the weather and went for ice cream, long walks, and sun sessions in the back yard. It's a good thing too, since today the temperature plummeted to 2 degrees and rain/snowed. Yuck.

It seems to be that with the changing of the seasons comes the inevitable common cold. Yes, Sophia has her very first cold. It has mostly manifested itself as congestion, which means that our little girl is perpetually snotty, and she HATES having her nose wiped. I have also found a way to send my little one into tears of rage: trying to suck out the mucus with an aspirator in hopes of helping her breathe better. This is not her idea of a good time and boy, she lets you know it. Over the last couple of days a little chest cough has developed, its kind of cute at the same time as being pitiful. All I want to do is to cuddle her in my arms until it goes away. Despite being sick, Sophia is rather cheerful... smiling and cooing still. Her apetite for solids has dropped again, but I am sure once she is feeling better it will increase. For now, I have a relatively happy, snotty, and sometimes a little grumpy (but who isn't when they are sick?) baby. Ah Spring.

Back to the more positive side: Grandma Diane was here to witness the glorious weather, and loved the idea of spending time with Sophia out on the deck. She, Sophia and Haley had a great time together in the sun!

Grandma and Sophie sitting on the deck. Grandma decided that it was high time for Sophie to experience snow since it was rapidly melting.

Initial exploration. She wasn't too sure about it at first...

But it was only a matter of time till it ended up in her mouth!

This is Sophia's favorite mode of transportation these days. I am thinking that she may choose to skip the crawling stage and move straight to walking or else I am going to have some serious back problems soon! She absolutely loves this though, you can see the look of joy in her eyes!

Just a close up of our beauty!

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