We spent the afternoon and part of the early evening with the Hosler family. The main purpose, besides seeing Melisa, Jack, Taylor and Ayden, was to check out the Children's Choir and the St. James UC choir. Both performed very well. About forty children were in the choir and the St. James folk did an excellent job with a Christmas Cantata called "Bethelhem Joy". We had a good time and remarkably Sophia stayed awake for most of the concert, only falling asleep during the last "everybody join in" Christmas Carol.
After the concert there was the obligatory "lunch" (for those who are not of the prairie speak "lunch" is any meal that comes after a meeting or a social function, and usually consists of "dainties" (sqaures and cookies) and tea/coffee/juice). This was the prime time for Sophia to be whisked away to visit with the adoring ladies of the congregation. And whisked she was. I have to admit that I was very proud of her... she went happily and didn't complain a bit. I think she was too overwhelmed with all the people. She did leave her mark, however, by spitting up and missing herself and David, but getting the church floor. He he he.
All in all, it was a lovely visit with all the folks of the church. We really did have a great time, and I am sure Sophia loved the attention. Then we had a nice supper with the Hoslers, and came home. That's when the real fun began.
We got home at about 8:30 and I, in my need to be orderly, decided that we would go through the normal bedtime routine. Yeah, right. Ever tried to put an overtired, overstimulated baby to bed? It certainly doesn't happen when YOU think it should. At about 10:30 she finally crashed, after some tense negotiations. She stayed that way for a whole half an hour... she kind of woke up crying from what I think was a bad dream and needed to be comforted. She then slept until 4 am, stayed up for an hour and then wanted to sleep until late. Well, she had another thing coming. In an effort to maintain normal sleeping patterns, I try not to let her sleep in too late. Whether or not waking her is a good idea, I am not sure, but come the evening she's ready for a night of sleep. Or at least that's what I am hoping.
One weekend accomplishment to mention: someone outside the family got Sophia to giggle. Melisa worked her magic and managed to coax some good giggling out of our little one. It was quite a lot of fun to watch. And Sophia was fun too!
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