Much is going on for the little one. Everything is so interesting, to the point that we need to be in a fairly quiet, less busy space in order for her to eat properly. Any distraction and those little lips lose suction. It's kind of funny. But a little frustrating, when all you really want her to do is eat. I give thanks that she hasn't developed the habit of turning her head while remaining firmly clamped on. :)
Sophia's grasp is getting better, although her thumb still has yet to break through and become independent! She is working on picking up smaller toys, her favorite so far is little stacking blocks that are the perfect size for her. And to go along with this new found skill, she has discovered that she can knock things off of places... counter tops, exersaucers. I am more than willing to play the game, but David gives about three pick ups and then is done with it. He might just be the smarter adult in the house.
Sophia is also figuring out that there are little things attached to the ends of her legs. Her squirmy toes are still a little mysterious as often they are cozily covered by her slippers, but she knows they are there. She spends time in her "Bumbo" seat trying to grab at them.
Not along ago I wrote about the first giggle... well more have happened since. I have to work pretty hard to get them to come but they do happen. David didn't believe me... there was a bit of a snuffleumagus (whoa, what's the spelling on that!?) syndrome about them --he didn't believe me even though they existed. At least that was until tonight, when he heard for himself the glorious sound of laughter coming from our little girl. It's so much fun to be able to act like a complete fool and actually have someone enjoy it. Sophia is generous with her smiles, both at home and at events --which is nice because everyone loves a smiling baby. It really makes meeting people a whole lot easier when you have a happy smiling baby.
Speaking of meeting people, we've been spending time at Sunset United Church, where the congregation has welcomed us with open arms (and just this week approached us about joining committees!) Sophia now stays awake for the whole service and seems to really enjoy it, especially the music. Last week, the choir sang acapella (sp?) and Sophia stood on my lap completely riveted and just beaming. I really do think that she has her daddy's music appreciation. I really appreciate the ability to be with such a community of adults and children, especially after last week when we were stuck inside for four days because of snow and cold weather. Oy, did I crave other people.
David and I have noticed over the last two days that Sophia's sound repertoire has increased. She is becoming far more adept at raspberries, which require the listener to wear wet weather gear as she still drools lot. And she has now discovered the "ba ba ba", "ma ma ma" and "wa wa wa" sounds. I have no illusions that she is calling for her mama, so no worries there. But it is quite funny to watch her, especially when she is getting upset or crying because her "wa wa wa" sound makes her pout even bigger. You really do have to see it! It's exciting to hear the sounds, for each new one she starts is another step closer to actually making words. Which we may or may not regret later on... hmmmm.
One of the challenges I have been facing with Sophia is she is back to getting up at least once a night to feed. The feeding bit is okay, I understand that she's just little and her body is constantly growing. It's the "Okay, I'm up, let's look around and keep from going back to bed" phase that has taken over. It used to be that I could feed her and she would go right back to sleep. These days it takes me almost an hour on a good night to get her back to sleep. I really shouldn't complain because I know there are parents out there who have it a lot harder, but I am tired.
We got to thinking that maybe she's just not being satisfied by milk alone anymore. So, as an experiment we started Sophia on rice cereal tonight. We did a lot of reading and research to figure out what exactly to do, which is helpful, but in the end we figured out that it's really up to us. So we took the plunge and tried it out. And she ate it. We gave her about a teaspoon of fairly watery rice cereal and most of it went in. You'll see what I mean in the pictures. She seems to enjoy it, so we will start giving it to her in small amounts twice a day. I will continue to breastfeed her, and the cereal will just complement the breastmilk. So she still needs me! :)
One more thing... Sophia has met Santa, and emerged from the experience unimpressed. Not "unimpressed" in a negative, screaming, crying way, but in a "okay, now what?" kind of way. And the photo is proof of that. We need to scan it and put it up for all of you to take a look at. She's not smiling, but that's not because we weren't trying by doing crazy things behind the photographer. Oh the things new parents do in public!
Anyway, the babe needs to get some sleep. Take care!
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