Friday, September 01, 2006

Bach'ing it, and Technology

Just a quick post today - after more than a week of silence it's not much, I know, but there will be photos soon.  Promises, promises.  

Tricia is in Vancouver for the long weekend, presiding over a friend's wedding, so I am a Bachelor for a few days.  Actually, she's MCing the party afterward as well - long story.  So I am in Regina with the dog, watching as a couple of leftover technology installations are done in the new house.  

First, we had the plumber come in and install a water line to the frige so we have magically appearing ice.  I've been watching ice pop out of the machine and pile up in the little basket all day!  Ooooh. Magic. 

Second, the Sasktel guy came to install television today.  Ooooh again.  Turns out all the new tv-capable routers are also wireless routers, so now we have super-strong wireless all over the house (probably all over the neighbourhood, too)

These are the things that amuse Dad while Mom and Daughter are away.  Also, I got a GPS a couple days ago and have been geeking-out over that as well.  Finding the exact location of that weed in the lawn, so I can calculate the environmental impact of its removal.

Hmmm.  That title for this posting is strange now that I see it again ... I guess I should have spelled it "batch'ing" instead, or perhaps I should go listen to some Brandenburg Concertos...

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