Monday, August 22, 2011

Cottaging 2011

Well, we love the cottage...and for a change, the weather has been fabulous. It has been sunny and warm for weeks, so we have been making the most of it.

Turns out that my children are fish...Sophia has been swimming so well and has developed incredible confidence in being in the water. She goes straight in while we adults take our time easing into the water, trying to get our bodies adjusted to the temperature (which is warmer than usual!). Jacob doesn't seem to notice the temperature difference either and easily walks into the water but it takes some time, and his floating boat to convince him to stay. He does get to the chin chattering, blue lip stage a whole lot faster than anyone else, at which point he needs to come out and spend some time wrapped in a blanket (which on no nap days leads to a quick nap --which I will not argue with...I love cuddling with him).

We have done many things so far, mostly hanging out at the beach, hiking, reading, being outside and trips into town, but we have also had company and lazy days.

Jacob hasn't mastered this he is trying to throw the ball over to me. It was quite comical at the time.

Digging...his favorite beach past time.

Everyone having a blast....

Sophia and her water wings, Jacob and his boat (so, okay, it's for infants, but in reality he hasn't even broken the weight restriction, but heck it keeps him happy and floating.

grandpa proudly displaying his sticker badges, happily placed there by Jacob.

Boat? Me. Come. Too?? Boat. Ride? Yeah. (all said at almost an inaudible octave). someone around here loves the boat!!!

Sophia swimming at Timber beach...

Jacob not swimming at Timber, but trying valiantly to cover his feet in sand.

Getting Jacob into the water at Timber by throwing him around a bit. Note: only do this is you are close together and your three year old weights 20 pounds.

The salty pirates Gerhard ....arghhhhhh.

Warming up and wearing Mommy's hat for protection.

A contemplative Sophia...thinking about swimming or maybe thinking about the swimming she had just done, or maybe about the stick in her hand...who knows what happens in the minds of five year olds.

A family canoe tipping involved.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your disclaimer on throwing a three year old ;)