Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jacob's update

As some of you know, we've had on going concerns with Jacob's size. He is still solidly in the -10th % for both height and weight. He's 19 pounds and 32 inches. He's tiny. That makes the pediatrician concerned, especially because he has run out of ideas that he can diagnose from blood tests and outward appearances.

So we have been referred to a pediatric endocrinologist and a geneticist. Essentially they are ruling out things. We have to go to Saskatoon for both appointments, the first one is in January (the endocrinologist). It is a 12 month wait to see the geneticist.

anyway, despite being small, Jacob is definitely hitting milestones. And he is trouble, oh yeah, he's trouble. He climbs, runs, prances, dances, sings, plays...
He is beginning to get some words, and he is in gymnastics. He LOVES it.

So, we wait now for appointments in the new year, and once we know more, we will post.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Vijay&Lia said...

Oh Tricia, he's so sweet. I hope you get some answers.