Friday, April 02, 2010

18 months

Well, firstly, I am well aware of the fact that this is the first blog in a month, and really, we apologise, but we have been swamped with other things. We are going to slowly catch up, so watch out for new pictures etc.

Anyway, believe it or not, Jacob is now 18 months old. Time is really flying by. Turning 18 months means that our little man had to get some more immunizations done. Three in fact. He did NOT like it one bit, and by the time the third shot came around he was in full on red in the face, holding his breath, indignant crying. Yup, he was not impressed. This all happened after being weighed and measured, which is the more important information, right?

Here goes:

WEIGHT: 8.1 Kg (17 pounds 13 ounces)
LENGTH: 75 cm (29.5 inches)
HEAD CIRC: 43.5 cm (17.1 inches)

Now, you are probably how he has changed since the last weigh in.... well, here are his twelve month stats:

WEIGHT: 7.75 kg (17 pounds and change)
LENGTH: 71.5 cm (28.1 inches)
HEAD CIRC: 43.5 cm (16.9 inches)

Not a huge amount of change...seems his growth has slowed down a little. He lands very much under the 3rd percentile, which basically means that more than 97% of his age peers are larger than he is. Which is just fine. He is a little guy, but he is hitting milestones like crazy. There is just a little bit of concern about how big he is. But really we can't make him eat any more than he does (he eats like every 2 hours and nurses through the night still!). I can't make him grow.

Lets just say that Jacob is a lively little guy, who understands exactly what is going on around us, walks/runs all over the place, has lots of smiles, and is a joy to be with. The bonus of having a little guy??? I get to enjoy having a baby just a little bit longer than most! And he's fun to carry around.

So, needless to say, he's a happy little guy who we love to no end!

So, really, it doesn't look that impressiv

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