Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Picture Perfect

Well, the days of geeky school pictures seem to be a memory of the past. Sophia had her very first school photos done this year. A professional photographer (Photos by MJ) came in and did the whole class in an hour. How she wrangled that many three year olds individually and as a group is beyond me, but she did. And the end product was beautiful. We can’t publish the class photo for obvious reasons, but here are a couple of Sophia’s poses.

Oh, and by the way, Sophia has made it onto the cover of a magazine. Mind you, we are the only ones who got a copy of it.... Today’s Parent had a promotion where you could download a photo onto the site and they would send your copy of the December edition with a special cover of your child. She looks pretty good don’t you think?

1 comment:

Pam said...

The magazine is such an awesome keepsake, cool. Her school pics look great.