Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cottage 2009: weeks two and three

Well, things have been a little less than perfect these last couple of weeks. We have had a lot of rainy, coolish, very windy days. Days like that make for squirrelly toddlers. Jacob didn't care so much as he spends most of his days "crawling" around the floor, exploring all the things that surround him, and basically entertaining himself. Sophia was getting a little bored. We did lots of stuff in the house: crafty things, building things, tv things, and occasionally outdoor things. It's been a bit of a struggle as we have finally taken away her sloothers (that's a Sophie-ism) which has brought upon us and all in the house the dreaded full on, crying until she's red ini the face freak outs. It has not been fun. Bedtimes have become a time of negotiation, tears, and trying anything that might just prolong the going to sleep time. Oy, it has not been fun. But she doesn't have the soothers any more. That we are thankful for, but the temper tantrums are frustrating.

Anyway, we did get some fun outside things done. We spent one day on Shadowfax. Sophia loved it, Jacob was okay with it, Haley hated it! She shook the whole time. Funny little thing. Two rainy-ish days were spent in Kenora. Ma, David, Sophia, Jacob and I went to visit the Lake of the Woods Museum. Sophia loved the ramp! Too funny. Then we got to have dinner out. David, Sophia, Jacob, Haley and I visited one afternoon to do some shopping and be distracted from the bad weather. We went out on Ed (the motor boat). We "swam" --rather we played in the water.

We've had some good fun.

Sophia and Jacob playing together so nicely.

nom, nom, nom. Jacob had six teeth as of last week. Now he is working on the bottom teeth!

Jacob was decidedly against the lake so I decided to fill the little pool and leave it in the sun for a little while. He really did enjoy playing in his own space with warmer water.

Sophia, cottage fairy of rainy days.

Sophia has discovered the joy of scissors and glue. Unfortunately, Jacob usually wants to "help out" by chewing on the paper. The solution: give Sophia a cage. It worked out well.

Some photos taken on a peaceful evening. I enjoy spending time on the lake in the Kayak. Haley has gotten more adventurous in her old age. She paces back and forth while I Kayak and looks cute.

One peaceful morning, Daddy and Sophia took Pegasus (the rowboat) across to the island. The main goal was to check out the blueberries. Sophia proudly came home proclaiming that they found a few ripe ones. When asked where they were, she exclaimed "In my tummy!"

Jacob finally decided that the Lake wasn't so bad. He happily sat in the water and played in the sand.

Jacob loves plain yoghurt!

Auntie Kristine and Sophia

Daddy as stuffed animal doctor. These are vintage animals, once belonging to Uncle Adam and made by Great Grandma Gerhard.

Sophia has been experimenting with not doesn't go well. This particular day, a big boat trip was happening and the movement of the boat lulled Sophia to sleep both on the way out and on the way home. Here she was sitting up and fell asleep, just minutes after taking off. Much too cute.

1 comment:

Christine said...

what a cute little baby.