Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Skills for Jacob

Here is a list of new things in Jacob's repertoire of things he can do...

- grasp things and bring them to his mouth without dropping them or missing his mouth. (This is one of his most favorite things to do, which leads to a lot of slobbery toys)

- roll around from side to side, and kick furiously (these are the other things he LOVES to do, particularly when he has no clothes on!)

- he can roll from front to back, and back to front...but only when he wants to.

- cry like all get out when he is bopped on the nose or is being held by someone new. He plays strange like Sophia never did. It's a bit of an adjustment having such a mommy focused baby.

- smile ...he smiles often especially at Sophia

- blow wet, bubbly raspberries...for fun and in response to someone doing it to him

- watch intently...either his sister or his parents or whatever action is going on in the room

- egg his sister on with smiles...they are going to be the death of me, those two are. You can already see the mischief in his eyes.

- giggle. Tonight he started giggling loud enough that I could hear him in my room, and he was down the hall. Only his sister has been able to illicit this kind of laughter from him, but it was pure music. Thankfully we got some on video and will post it soon!

Everyday he does something new and amazing. I had forgotten how very cool it is to watch a baby develop in such a way. Such a joy and gift.

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