Thursday, September 04, 2008

T-30 days

Well it's down to the final month for little farquar. It's been a long haul for Tricia, especially since it was a hot summer (thank goodness for air conditioning) and we think that Sophia is really starting to "get it" about the new little one. She keeps mentioning "baby brudder" and makes a big deal about Mommy's belly (Daddy's belly too, sometimes, but we won't mention that). Sometimes it feels like it's coming way too soon, and sometimes it feels like it's not coming soon enough. This time, we don't have to worry about an hour long car trip, but on the other hand we were hoping to have access to the spanking new OB unit (get it? spanking?) which will now be ready in 2009. Whatever. We know our way around the current hospital anyway. We have lots of clothing and stuff ready for the baby (Tricia having been treated to two, count'em two, surprise showers) and the crib has been converted back from a toddler bed to a little bitty baby bed. Are we ready? It seems like it and at the same time it seems like we aren't. But of course it'll be here in a month or so whether we're ready or not.

We haven't posted any pregnant photos of Tricia yet this time, so here she is.

Oh, and one more result of the final days of the pregnancy - I have once more been relegated to the couch to leave room for tossing, turning and diagonal sleeping. I'm sure Tricia misses me - that's what I said to myself when she kicked me out. Really, though, it's partly defense on my part - she could crush me if she rolled over the wrong way.

OK. enough of that. She needs the room and all the sleep she can get.


Anonymous said...

Tric, you look great!

Jen Wilson said...

You look awesome!

Jacquie Moon said...

I am thinking about you!
I'm glad to hear your mom is on her way to help out.
I can't wait to hear about the safe arrival of the newest family member.
Blessings on everyone.