But the boy is making his presence known! There's not much room in there and he is definately trying to make the most of it. I have been experiencing
Braxton Hicks contractions but nothing painful or consistent. Last check up showed a healthy little guy with a good measurement and heartbeat. Can't really determine or even guesstimate weight, as he is partially to my back, so that makes it hard to get a sense of his size. Doctor is happy with the progress so far, and heck, I have even slowed down in weight gain....hallelujah!
I am in conversation with the little life, trying to convince him to stay in at least for a couple more days. David is currently in Fingal, Ontario doing music at a UC Camping event (and is thankfully only gone for the weekend rather than a whole week, like the conference in Philadelphia earlier this month!). And he has some major things due on the 30th. Then the baby can come!! I am not alone right now, my mom (bless her) came just before David left and will be here for three weeks. The Grandparents on all sides will be here at varying times and for varying durations either just before or just after the birth. I am looking forward to having everyone here.
It's funny, I haven't really given much thought to the labour and birth process this time. I have occasional twinges of nervousness, but I have enough around here to keep my mind busy! And heck, there's a two year old to look after...her life certainly doesn't slow down for mommy. I am sure that the nervousness will be present when labour actually starts. But this time, I know what to expect (kind of) and have some knowledge of how my body responds. I also trust my body a little bit better this time. It knows what to do, I will follow it's lead. As for medication....we'll just see what happens.
So I have been busy nesting here...preparing menus and food for the freezer, cleaning and organizing (including the freezers and the fridge and pantry), trying to get loose ends tied up, and preparing for a houseful of people. And life with Sophia moves along.
Sophia has gone back to gymnastics and Kindermusik --she loves both. We spend time at home singing, dancing and trying to do somersaults. She has been enjoying baking with both myself and Nana (they made sugar cookies, while I was working on a cake --which I will post later!). She has taken to dragging around the stool from the bathroom downstairs so that she can get high enough to see over the counters. It's cute and actually really good, except for when she is trying to moosh the cupcakes you've been working on for an hour, or is trying to sneakily stick her fingers in the cake that you've been working on for three days. Yikes.
We've been busy with playdates and hanging out with William and Marie-Eve. There have been lots of trips to the park, lots of walks and more than one trip to the Pet Store. Sophia has developed a habit that comes directly from her Daddy...whenever she sees herself in the mirror she MUST make faces at herself. This is now part of the post bath time routine. Wrapped in a towel she stands on my legs and goofs off in front of the mirror.
Her singing ability has also been increasing. She LOVES to make up songs about everything ...from what we had to dinner, to who we played with, to running naked between mommy's room and Sophia's room. It keeps her entertained. She has also memorized many of the words from the Kindermusik CD that she asks for specific songs and then happily sings with it. I love listening to her!
I am not sure how much she understands about the permanency of a baby brother, but that doesn't seem to bother her. She spends time talking to the little guy, playing with my belly button, and telling me that brother is going to come out of my belly button....hmmmm, I wonder if that is possible!! She loves to help out, so I am thinking that she's going to be a great big sister.
So I am patiently waiting for this little guy to arrive, so that we can finally meet him and get to know him. And I am eager to leave behind the maternity clothes and maybe fit back into my pre-pregnancy clothes (wishful thinking at this point). It's an exciting time....we'll keep you posted.