Friday, March 21, 2008

Did you see the change?

Huh, didya? Didya notice? It's a bit subtle...

Need some help???

Okay, look up.... not to the ceiling, goof ball. Look to the title of the Blog. See it now?

It's just a little change. Singular to plural. Got it now????

Yup, "Little Ones". You know that that means....

We're Pregnant. Okay, I am pregnant, and David and Sophia are enjoying the changes (insert rolly eyed smilie) that comes along with that.

The next (and last) child is due on October there are several birthdays that we may or may not hit.

I am doing good so far, not too sick, but really, really tired. It's a lot harder with a toddler running around.

Anyway, we just wanted to share that news with you!


Anonymous said...

You cannot fool me! I am quick to pick on these things and "our children" was the clue for me :) Best wishes to you all.

Allison said...

I was just sitting in the Edmonton airport yesterday, observing a mom, who was obviously expecting a young sibling for young Isabel who was clearly about 2, and into everything... "Isabel...," I thought. "That's sort of from the same era as Sophia, isn't it? ....I wonder when Dave and Tricia will have another little one.... Bet it'll be soon!"

Yep. I had that exact thought process YESTERDAY.

Anyway, enough about my psychic powers...CONGRATULATIONS Gerhards!!!! (Of course, I include grandparents and Aunt and Uncle in that...) Hooray for babies! :-)

Allison said...

PS - Had not checked your blog since Tuesday last week... Really, I didn't cheat. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Tricia and Family! Can't wait to see the updates of the blog!

Anonymous said...

Anon is Michelle Peterson!!!