Thursday, January 24, 2008


Sophia's vocabulary has been growing steadily, and the most exciting thing is that she is now parroting. She will repeat almost anything we say (although she still has trouble with some sounds). In addition, she still will occasionally launch into a string of what we like to call "Baby Swearing" although it is not always when she is angry, just when she has something to say. kind of "argalargaraglaphlaglarwarg." We haven't caught any of it on tape yet, but when we do we will post it.

She knows a lot of sign language and uses these signs correctly with regularity:

*Potty (letter "t" held up and shook)
*Please (hand on chest)
*Thank you (hand touches lip)
*Cheese (hands face-to-face and rub)
*More (fingertips of both hands touch)
*Milk (fists squeeze, as if milking)
*All done (hands wave in front, often violently)
*Bath (hands move up and down chest as if washing)
*Love (a hug)
*Tired/Sleep (hands folded on the side of the head)
*Hot (hand over mouth)
*Banana (Peeling a finger like a banana)

Many of these are now accompanied by the words themselves, since her word vocabulary has also exploded. For example, this morning she said "poo-poo", then "potty" and made the sign for potty, so I took her to the potty and she peed in the potty. Now that is an amazing accomplishment!

Here is an incomplete list of the words she uses correctly.

*eye, ear, mouth, teeth, tongue, nose, hair, chin, neck, elbow, knee, toe, feet, hand, finger, thumb, back, belly, button (for belly button) etc. She can point these out on herself, on another person, on her dolly and her rabbit, and on a picture as I draw it. She even pointed out what was missing today (I drew a face without a nose and she pointed to where the nose should be and said "nose") Now, to be fair, her word for "nose" is "no". which is the same as for "snow" and "no", but they are used consistently correctly, so we're giving it to her.
*sticky, dirty. said when interacting with maple syrup.
*ding ding; choo choo; ch-ch-ch. her kindermusic class is working on trains, and she loves all the sound effects
*William (her best friend)
*Haley (although the "L" is still giving her trouble. more like Hadeey)
*Mommy, Daddy
*Sophie (sounds more like "zoe" but it's really close and again used correctly)
*Oh no, Oh dear, OK. she uses "OK" sometimes when she's done with an activity, and with a little exasperated sigh, you know like you do when you are talking to someone and the conversation is over and you say "Ok" or "Anyway". Very funny. Also "Oh Dear" is very funny when something happens to one of her toys.
*booger. This one is a little embarrassing, and we sometimes pretend it's "burger"
*poo-poo, potty, diaper (as described above)
*cookie, cake, cheese, egg, banana (more like nana but used with the appropriate sign)
*'puter (we may be spending too much time on the computer with her)
*hat, boots, snow
*hot (pointing at the oven, or the fireplace, or a candle)

And I'm sure there's more, but this is the collection over the course of about three days.

And, she has now uttered what we thing might be her first two-word original phrase: we were in the pantry and she looked at the dog treats and said "haley cookie" without prompting. Very cool.

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