Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Last Bits of the Cottage

It's been hard returning to "real" life, but we are doing the best we can. Grandma Gladys is here with us right now, as David is in Copenhagen, of all places. So we have another week with more grandparent adoration. I could get used to having other adults around helping with childcare. I guess I shouldn't get too comfortable.

Anyway, we returned safe and sound from the cottage. We very much enjoyed our time away. The cottage is a place of wonder, especially for a one year old. She learned so very much while there. Seagulls were her favorite thing to laugh at as the flew over head or bobbed in the water. Sophia waved at every boat that went by. And she was the only person to brave the water temperature almost everyday. It was a joy and we look forward to many more cottage summer vacations!

Here are some last pictorial bits:

Hanging out on the beach with Grandpa! It's a hard life, eh?

Grandpa Arthur decided that Sophia's boating education needed to start this summer...David and I were in Kenora when this lesson took place.

Mommy and Sophie having some beach time of their own.

One of the best napping nooks at the cottage.

Yummy. tasty bark. Fiber, right?

"I wonder...."


Grandpa Arthur taught Sophia how to unload the dishwasher. They did this together every morning. Now she really helps out instead of just messing around.

A couple of garden portraits I took. She loves being outside, picking stones and enjoying nature. If you want to see more, I have an album on my facebook page.

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